Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is the day that I had my precious son, Isaac Mason.  Isabella had just turned a year old the month before and we were doing all we could to not have him before 36 weeks.  On early ultrasounds, they told us it was a girl, and then we couldn't double check afterwards because he was lodged in my rib cage and wouldn't move (I had plenty of ultrasounds, due to problems with fluid).  Her name was going to be Sophia.

My doctor originially wanted me to be induced at 36 weeks.  I wanted to try for a natural labor since I couldn't do so the first time.  Let me tell you, I should have listened to people who told me otherwise!

We tried to push it back some but I was in terrible pain.  I was having loads of chest pain and pressure (at this time we didn't know there were problems with my heart since they didn't see them after I had Isabella). My blood pressure was high but nothing they couldn't manage.  They found a huge gallstone and that was causing most of the pain.  As long as I could handle it and there weren't any more bouts of internal bleeding (I had my fair share of that after Isabella was born and several months into Isaac's pregnancy), then I could hold off and possibly have surgery the same day I had Isaac.  It was blocking my entire bile duct and my heartburn was terrible!  Thank goodness I do not have it except for when I'm pregnant :).

I was having regular stress tests but wasn't feeling well in general.  Who does when they're past 30 weeks?!  We scheduled for me to be induced on the 28th and I was to stop taking my blood thinners the weekend before.

Well, guess what? I went into labor the week beforehand!  Also, you can't have pain killers when you haven't weaned off of blood thinners.  I wanted to not have any, but wanted the option open just in case!  The day before I went into labor I went to the store with Joshua and Isabella and I dropped something and bent over to get it before he could stop me.  The baby dropped and I spent the night researching on google.  It didn't do me much help, because I went into labor at 2:00 am!  Instead of my water breaking, there was a ton of blood.  We were scared and went to the hospital here.  I had been traveling to Washington, MO, for fear of having another delivery like the last one.  They gave me a shot to stop my labor as the doctor I had last year was on his way in (he is no longer able to take care of patients at the hospital, now).  We drove to Washington and I counted my contractions using the mile markers for the next hour and a half.

I was ready to have a baby and they broke my water, I was in full blown labor.  Problem is, I stopped dilating.  After at least 12 hours of trying without any pain meds and hours of having contractions every minute and a half, they said I needed to have an emergency c-sections, because they feared both of our lives were in danger if I kept trying to do it the other way.  With an emergency c-section, like my last one, they have a limited time window to get things done while you're under anesthesia.  I was very scared and remember crying because I was so worried that I wouldn't wake up.  Since this happened so suddenly, we checked my husband and daughter into a hotel until we had family to come help, since Isabella was too small to be in the room with me.  He was so supportive.  I don't know how he handles it the way he does.  I know he is worried and scared, but he is very calm and in control.

I remember being sedated and thinking, "This isn't working, I should take off the mask and tell them".  Of course, then I woke up, so I was wrong!  Haha.  Anesthesia is some crazy stuff.  They looked at me and told me that my husband was so confused when they told him it was a boy that he made them check 5 times!!  WHAT?!  It's a BOY?!  I was also confused but overjoyed.  Beforehand I had that thought that at least we had the name and clothes and everything ready!  Nothing ever goes exactly as planned around here.

It also took us three days to name him.  He was perfectly healthy and it was so nice to be able to have a baby in the room with me.  I wasn't used to that since that isn't what I was able to do with Isabella.  He was so handsome and I loved that his coloring was like Josh's and that Isabella took after me.  It reminded me of me and my brother.

Again, I started hemmorhaging.  Ugh.  By the time I left the hospital, I had a football shaped hematoma and my stomach was lopsided.  Miserable!  I didn't get a blood transfusion but I probably should have.  It dissipated but not until infection after infection.  I think that is where my heart started to get attacked and, unfortunately, there are no antibiotics for that.

He was about 3 weeks premature.  They said he was strong and healthy and he was so sweet.  He was a little jaundiced, but it went away quickly and we were released after a couple days.

Josh and I couldn't be more lucky to have the two children we have now.  We're lucky that I survived and there's plenty of times that many people, including doctors, were surprised that I did.  Isaac is now 1 and Isabella is now 2.  Isaac has a heart murmur that hasn't gone away and we're getting him an echo soon.  Otherwise, he is healthy and strong and is almost walking on his own.  He is definitely my little man :).  Isabella is smart, understands things I wouldn't think she would, and has a ton of energy.  Her head is bigger than they'd like it to be, but so far testing says it is genetic and nothing to be worried about!  We're getting an MRI done soon for that.  She's my little princess.  I don't know where we'd be today without these awesome little babbies.

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