Friday, July 1, 2011

What's Going On?

So, not a whole lot going on and I'm sorry I haven't updated anyone lately.  I've been sick but am getting better and the kids and husband are doing well.

We've found out that Isaac has two congenital heart birth defects.  One is a mild to moderate mitral valve stenosis and the other is a mild bicuspid aortic valve.  The latter is very mild and they are not so worried about it.  The first one is the one they are more worried about because it never fully opens or closes and there is some regurgitation.  We're worried that he also has blood clotting genetic disorders like I do and are hoping for the best.  They've said to treat him mostly normal and that they'd check him again at Children's Mercy in 6 months.  Other than that, he is doing very well.  He gives kisses on command and is such a sweetie.  He is tall and heavy as a brick, but not chunky at all.  He has the sweetest brown eyes and hair and looooves playing with his sister and trucks!  He loves peekaboo and FOOD!

My radiation treatments gave me some problems!  I did have mild thyroid storm...of course!! Haha.  It went away after a week or two and then we were worried it didn't work.  It seems to have started working but they can still feel my thyroid and the goiter.  We are hoping it doesn't grow any and it is killed or we will have to biopsy it.  Fun, fun!  I'm wearing a holter monitor right now and have to get an MV02 stress test done next just keeps getting better! :)

Isabella is doing well!  She is getting so tall and is such a little lady.  She's my princess baby.  She has been talking tons.  Her favorite colors right now are pink and blue, or INK and blooo or boo.  She can finally say purple and loves coloring and playing and picking out her clothes and drinks.  She is about to potty train soon and I think there will be no difficulty in that.  She's learning things quickly right now!  The doctors have put off doing an MRI on her head since she has no problems with hitting her milestones.

Joshua has been doing well, also.  He's been going to the doctor as much as I have lately.  He's got a numbness problem in his big toe and cannot feel it at all.  We've been working on other doctor visits as well.  It's so hard to organize sometimes.  He loves his little babies and they've been playing a lot lately.  They made a fort the other day in the kids room and I've never heard Isaac squeal (happily) so loud before.  They loved it!

I've been having fun with extreme couponing lately...I blame TIGS for that one!!! :).  It's been a lot of fun and has really helped us transition lately with me being so sick.  We've been able to get the things we want/need and it is just awesome.  I love getting all the health and beauty stuff for free or next to nothing.  Mom would have really loved it.


  1. leeannbailey@hotmail.comJuly 1, 2011 at 4:47 PM

    I just found this blog and I am so happy to read this even though I lived parts of it with you. It fills in the blanks and makes a fairly complete record of the whirlwind you have been caught in. I will be looking forward to new installments in your adventures and keeping up my hopes for your good health!

  2. :) Got to take off the Holter monitor today! Woohoo! It was a little bit itchy.
